Interview with Samantha Hahn

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For the last few months, I've been building an online art shop called Maison Rainbow: All rainbows, all the time. Then the pandemic hit and I thought, that's it, I can't do this. But seeing people sharing rainbows as symbols of hope, I realized it was the perfect time to put a little light and color in the world.

I believe Rainbows are the best medicine. Colors have power. They elevate us to a higher state of mind. And rainbows are the purest manifestation of color in nature. Prescription-strength chromatic medicine for the soul. When skies are gray, we need to fill our eyes with rainbows more than ever.

When you’re lucky enough to spot one of these elusive and luminous arcs, that ribbon of vivid hues is a reminder to be completely present. With Maison Rainbow, I've tried to bottle a bit of the rainbow’s magic for you to keep. May the rainbow you select offer you a momentary escape to a place of blue skies and
golden sun when things feel bleak.

I hope your take a look through the shop; find a rainbow that speaks to you, see if its vibration is in tune with your wavelength and tap in.

Rainbows Are Magic. Believe.

Samantha Hahn is an illustrator, author, and art director who works with clients ranging from Vogue Japan, The New York Times and New York Magazine/The Cut to Penguin Random House. Her work has been exhibited from New York to Hong Kong and featured in numerous art and design books. She lives in
Brooklyn with her family.

Visit her Website >

Recent Projects:
NY Times Style >
The Cut >